Business Services

There is no business exactly like yours.


Running Your Business

The Vantedge professionals work with our clients to develop and execute strategies based on their specific needs. We have key professional business services that can help you make informed decisions by having a clear and accurate look at your finances. Our services include:

  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Tax Preparation and Planning
  • Retirement Plan Analysis
  • Employee Incentive and Motivation

Partnering Through Retirement

Vantedge believes in taking business owners to retirement and beyond. Incorporating your business into your financial plan has many benefits. Businesses provide income, wealth, health insurance, purpose, legacy, and security for others. We look to value the overall benefits of your business and plan around important future events. Common planning areas are maximizing retirement plans and developing well thought out succession plans.

Succession & Sale of Business

Our multi-disciplined consultants help review and structure tools to create a plan for the succession of owners and key employees.
Key employees - having a plan to motivate and retain key employees is key to business stability and growth. We assist in analyzing current plans in place and making recommendations that fit into your overall goals and objectives.
Sale of Business - Selling your business is a significant event. Creating a plan that’s coordinated with your taxes and your financial goals is very important. Your Vantedge team can provide clarity by helping you determine the key elements to maximize your net proceeds. We’re in your corner to negotiate a sale price, determine the exit strategy, and clean up the business’s financials well in advance. Our business consulting and tax team will act as your valued and trusted partner.

Business Owner Consulting

Business owners face many obstacles, including determining the best business structure, maintaining growth, employee development, and how to reward and incentivize your key employees. Our experienced consultants can help you make improvements in all these areas while coordinating them into your overall plan. Vantedge can help you navigate key decisions that have long term benefits.